Cowarra Dam

hello Astro

Hello Astro is a full featured corporate/marketing/blog starter theme written in Typescript, TailwindCSS and Astro. It supports Markdown and MDX based pages and blog posts (including math and diagrams), plus full text search on blog pages.

It has full SEO support for Facebook (Open Graph) tags, Twitter Cards and Schema/JSON-LD metadata. It also features fully auto generated RSS feed and sitemap for search engine indexing.

Mayfield Garden

hello Astro

Hello Astro is a full featured corporate/marketing/blog starter theme written in Typescript, TailwindCSS and Astro. It supports Markdown and MDX based pages and blog posts (including math and diagrams), plus full text search on blog pages.

It has full SEO support for Facebook (Open Graph) tags, Twitter Cards and Schema/JSON-LD metadata. It also features fully auto generated RSS feed and sitemap for search engine indexing.

Mt Tomah

hello Astro

Hello Astro is a full featured corporate/marketing/blog starter theme written in Typescript, TailwindCSS and Astro. It supports Markdown and MDX based pages and blog posts (including math and diagrams), plus full text search on blog pages.

It has full SEO support for Facebook (Open Graph) tags, Twitter Cards and Schema/JSON-LD metadata. It also features fully auto generated RSS feed and sitemap for search engine indexing.

Oberon Dam

hello Astro

Hello Astro is a full featured corporate/marketing/blog starter theme written in Typescript, TailwindCSS and Astro. It supports Markdown and MDX based pages and blog posts (including math and diagrams), plus full text search on blog pages.

It has full SEO support for Facebook (Open Graph) tags, Twitter Cards and Schema/JSON-LD metadata. It also features fully auto generated RSS feed and sitemap for search engine indexing.


Comprehensive Astro Starter

This is a good starting point for a multi-purpose website, including support for documentation and blog pages, photo galleries, diagrams, math equations and more.

Easy to Create Content

Create pages, documentation pages and blog posts using MDX, Markdoc and Markdown. Includes support for photo galleries, maps, math equations (KaTeX) and diagrams (mermaid, plantuml and markmap).

Customisable Design

Built using the TailwindCSS ecosystem (including HeroIcons and Hero Patterns). Very easy to customise and change design. Template illustrations by unDraw.

SEO Ready

Full support for Facebook (Open Graph), Twitter Cards, Schema/JSON-LD metadata. Automatically generated robots.txt, RSS feed and sitemap.

Blazing Performance

Achieve great web vitals scores. Static site using Jamstack architecture. Built using Astro and Typescript for ultimate performance and type safety.

Find Out More

Astro logo


Build faster websites with less client-side Javascript

TailwindCSS drawing


A utility-first CSS framework that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup

Core Web


The core building blocks of the web

Roadmap Roadmap featured image


Tue Jun 13 2023

List of features to be considered for future versions of this starter.

Read more Roadmap
How to Use featured image
How to Use

Sun Jun 11 2023

Some suggestions for how to use this starter.

Sample Gallery post (Markdoc) featured image
Sample Gallery post (Markdoc)

Sat Jun 10 2023

Sample Markdoc post featuring Photo Gallery

Mind Map Diagram featured image
Mind Map Diagram

Fri Aug 26 2022

MDX post illustrating the use of Markmap component to generate mind map diagrams.

PlantUML Diagrams featured image
PlantUML Diagrams

Thu Aug 25 2022

Generate PlantUML diagrams in blog posts.

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